Nice that you ended up at CeesPlace. In this article, I’m going to share some ideas you could do in your free weeks. There are a number of things you can do, for example, that will allow your (perhaps unknown) creative brain to emerge completely. In addition, I will give you some nice tips on how you can shape the ideas so that you can get through these weeks!
Upgrade your house / room
How long has your house / room been looking the same? My experience is that giving your house a different look every so often can be very nice. You can of course fill this in as you wish. Do you want to improve some other furniture, a different layout or just practical things? You know power points that are never in the right place, just buy a few extension cords and reels and you will come a long way. Or improve your internet by installing different internet cables. When you are at home you can easily pick this up.
In addition, you can of course also take a much bigger approach. Consider, for example, renovating or extending your house or completely transforming your garden. Laying out a nice turf or replacing the fence for those chores that you can easily pick up on your day off.
Start painting
Maybe you have never thought about this before, but you can, for example, paint a portrait or a beautiful landscape. A nice idea to do is to draw something that suits your boyfriend or girlfriend completely, for example. In this drawing / painting then it becomes clear what you think is very nice and positive about that person.
It is also nice to go into nature with your canvas and easel and possibly paint animals or beautiful landscapes there.
Have a picnic together
You can of course also go outside and do nothing at all, pure enjoyment. Consider, for example, a picnic. Buy some tasty snacks and drinks and enjoy a picnic on a blanket in the park or on the beach. Don’t forget to bring some fun games such as a ball, skittles (to play pole football) or whatever you can think of! Make it as fun as you want and enjoy your free afternoon.
Hopefully you have some nice ideas and you will not get bored in your free weeks!